In this book of 1993 - well before the Internet revolution - Peppers (advertising) and Rogers (lecturer) define new models of marketing that uses technology to retain customers, running a "one to one marketing" that is 'customized for the individual. After the success of this book, the two founded the company 'advice ( Peppers & Rogers Group ) and that' today a reference in the field.
In reality, 'the concept of "marketing to a 1 "- always much discussion - and not 'the most' important expressed in the book. Much more 'important' operational 'are:
- share of customer: the percentage of your business client meeting you (target: 100%)
- differentiate between customers : some bring you much profit, others are losing money
- customer manager: re-organize the company according to different customers, depending on the product
- dialogue : Invest in tools to engage customers in a dialogue
Peppers & Rogers have written 4 more books (translated into two Italian). They are manuals that explain how to implement the concepts in their first book. While interesting, do not consider them essential.
The One To One Future instead, 'the book that started the revolution of CRM. To read and hold in the library.
D. Pepper & M. Rogers
The One to One Future