Social Promotion Association
"number 17"
Art . 1. - The Association of Social Promotion "Civic 17 ', and' set up with offices in Sabotino, N. 2A, 00195 - Rome, with unlimited duration and non-profit, regulated under Title III, Chapter I, Art. 36, 37, 38 et seq. the Civil Code, by L. 383/2000 and of this Statute.
Association, as form of self-organized citizens, is expressed in full political autonomy.
Article 2. - purpose is to promote active citizenship, for the growth of civic benefit of the community, particularly with regard to the population of the Municipality of Rome XVII.
Association to achieve its goals, promotes cultural, environmental and social integration, which - by way of explanation, but not limited to - will be held by
1. guided tours for the expansion of the use of cultural heritage on the part of Italian citizens and foreigners, particularly attention to the use of culture as a means of social integration
2. actions for the respect of animal rights, environment, sustainable mobility, the use of public transport, cycling, through awareness raising and education accountability and prevention of non-civic behavior.
3. activities to support teaching and educational activities for students of schools of all levels
4. courses for knowledge transfer in all areas, languages, sports, recreational and other
5. organization of meetings, debates, book presentations, films, musical performances, theater and any other public event, even with administration of drinks and refreshment
6. facilitation activities in the connection between demand and supply of services, especially in promoting the integration of voluntary associations, promoting social and otherwise, starting with those working in the municipal area
7. initiatives, cultural exchanges, twinning, international hospitality between them to facilitate the construction of European citizenship based on knowledge and attendance Citizens of EU nations
Association - for the implementation of its social purposes - reserves the right to activate services for its members and third parties in accordance with local regulations.
The activities of the association and its aims are inspired by principles of equal opportunity between men and women and respect the inviolable rights of the person.
Article 3. - The Association defines its every action as a project entrusted to an actuator assembly and divided into phases:
· Checking the feasibility of the intervention, the coordinator summarizes the costs and benefits expected;
· Verification of compliance with the social purpose of the initiative
their authorized project written by the Governing Council as an initiative of the Association
· interim and final reporting of its implementation.
No initiative can be attributed to the Association - which therefore will not be answered - without prior permission as described above and beyond the limits specified in the project.
Al actuator assembly may also participate in "project partners", ie persons or entities which - without being members - make their contribution to the achievement of an individual project and meet the coordinator.
Article 4. - The Association is open to all who are interested in the implementation of its goals and share the spirit and ideals. Members can be:
· founding members : are the underwriters of the Memorandum prepared separately and attached to this Statute shall be treated as ordinary members;
· members ordinary: people or organizations that are committed to pay for the entire stay of the associative link, the annual fee established by the Board of Directors;
· fees members: individuals and institutions who have contributed significantly - With their work, their support or economic ideal - the consolidation of the Association, the honorary members are exempted from payment of annual dues.
shares or membership fee is not transferable
Article 5. - The number of members is unlimited. Can anyone become a member is recognized in this statute and has eighteen years of age, regardless of their sexual identity dala, nationality, ethnicity, politics and religion.
Partner status, once acquired, permante in nature, and may be lifted only in cases provided for in art. 9. Therefore, any entries that violate this principle, introducing criteria for admission instrumentally limited rights or forward.
Article 6. - The admission of ordinary members is deliberate - at the request of the applicant in writing countersigned by at least one member - the board of directors. If the application is accepted, data from the new Member will be recorded and stored carefully in the book of shareholders.
Section 7. - Members are entitled to:
·'s premises and participate in all projects, initiatives and events organized by the association;
· come together to discuss and vote on matters concerning the Association ;
· discuss and approve the accounts;
· elect and be elected as members of governing bodies.
have the right to vote at the shareholders who have paid the subscription has been paid at least 8 days before the date of conduct of .
Article 8. - The member is required to pay annual membership fee, to compliance with the statutes and rules of procedure, compliance with the resolutions of corporate bodies, and to maintenance of impeccable moral conduct and civil participation in the activities of the Association and in frequenting location. The membership fee is
only binding on a regular payment to the financial support of the society, is therefore not in any way of ownership or participation in income is not refundable or transferable under any circumstances.
Article 9. - Membership status shall be lost:
- death
- non-payment of dues
- unauthorized absence for three consecutive times to the activities of the project or
- resignation, which must be submitted in writing to the Governing Council.
- expulsion or radiation
Article 10. - The Board has the power to take disciplinary action against the member, through, depending on the seriousness of the infringement, the written warning, temporary suspension or expulsion or radiation, for the following reasons:
- in compliance with the statutes, regulations or any deliberations of the governing bodies
- denigration of the Association, its governing bodies, its shareholders
- the attempt in some way to the smooth running of the Association, and hinder their development and pursuing the dissolution
- the commit or cause serious disorder at meetings
- misappropriation of social funds, records, documents or other property of the Association
- the cause in any way material or moral damage to the Association, premises and equipment of its relevance. In the case of fraud, the damage must be compensated.
Article 11. - Against all to suspension, expulsion or radiation, it can be allowed to the President within thirty days, on which a final decision in the first General Meeting.
Article 12. - The economic resources of the Association shall consist of:
a) quotas and contributions;
b) inheritance, donations and bequests;
c) contributions of the State, regions, local authorities, bodies or public institutions, also designed to support specific projects or programs implemented and documented as part of its statutory objectives;
d) contributions of the European Union and international bodies and
) revenue derived from the performance of agreed services;
f) proceeds of sales of goods and services to members and third parties, including through the development of economic activities of commercial, trade or the environment, carried out in an auxiliary and subsidiary and not aimed at achieving the objectives of institutional
g) donations of members and others;
h) revenue from promotional initiatives aimed at self-financing, such as holidays and subscriptions also awards;
i) other income compatible with the objectives of social associations of social promotion.
Contributions of members shall be the annual membership fees, established by the Board and any extraordinary contributions - established by the Assembly or the Council - which will determine the amount.
The cash donations, donations and bequests shall be accepted by the Assembly, which decides on the use of them, in accordance with statutory purpose of the organization.
E 'may not distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association, unless the use or distribution is required by law.
Article 13. - The fiscal year begins January 1 and ends December 31 of each year.
The Executive Council shall prepare the economic-financial.
The economic-financial reporting must be approved by the shareholders each year for the month of April.
Further exception may be made in cases of demonstrated need or incapacitated. It
- drawn up with key items - must be filed with the office of the Association within 15 days prior to the session to be inspected by each member.
Article 14. - The bodies of the Association are:
- The Assembly of members;
- Board of Directors;
- and the President.
The Association reserves the right to establish additional internal figures are useful for its operation, such as, for example, the project coordinators.
Art. 15. - L ' Shareholders' Meeting is The pivotal moment of confrontation, for the proper management of the Association and is composed of all members in good standing with the shares, each of whom has one vote, whatever the value of the share.
It is called at least once a year in the ordinary way, and in extraordinary session when necessary or is requested by the Board or by at least one third of the members.
The meeting is regularly constituted in the presence of half plus one of the members with voting rights, and majority of the votes of the latter. In the second call, however, the meeting is duly constituted regardless of the number of participants, and decides on issues the agenda on the majority present.
proxies are not allowed in the meetings and elections. The meetings of
are usually convened by the Board of Directors by written notice, containing the date and time of the first and second call and the order of the day, exposure, at least 15 days before the date of , shouts at the headquarters of the summons or proper publication to each member via the latest communication technologies.
the Assembly resolutions should be publicized by posting on the bulletin board of the seat of a report or publication appropriate to each member through the most recent communication technologies.
Article 16. - The meeting is chaired by a chairman and a secretary elected by the same.
Voting may be by show of hands or secret ballot when requested by one tenth of the members present with voting rights.
For the election of the governing bodies, the vote is by secret ballot in the manner prescribed by the regulation.
The shareholder resolutions and acts verbalized are exposed within the head office, and then the acts are available to members for consultation.
Article 17. - The Ordinary has the following tasks:
· Approved projects proposed by the Board of Directors;
shall propose new project opportunities to the Executive Council;
· Approved the economic-financial;
· Approved the rules of procedure, decide
unquestionably on the proposed expulsion, admission of a new member or denial of admission made by the Board of Directors;
· elect the governing bodies at the end of their mandate or following the resignation of the same, this preference voting by secret ballot to choose between names members to a number equal to that of the components for each body. In the case of a tie useful in last place, the member will be elected with the most seniority of membership in the club.
acting on all matters pertaining to the Company's operations.
The Extraordinary General Meeting decides on amendments to the statutes and possible dissolution.
the beginning of each session, the Assembly shall elect a chairman and a secretary who shall sign the final report.
The minutes must be accessible by members at the headquarters and through the latest communication technologies
Article 18. - The Board of Directors consists of seven members including the President and remains in office for three years. For the first period ending in late 2008 will be formed by the founders.
The Board elects from within:
- the President: the legal representative of the Association and is responsible for all activities of the same. Convenes and presides over the council.
- Vice-President: assists the President and, if absent or unable to do so, will assume his duties.
- Secretary: takes care of every administrative aspect of the Association shall keep the minutes of meetings of the Board and shall sign them with the President, shall preside over the Council in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
The Council may also distribute among its members other functions related to specific needs related to the activities of the Association.
Article 19. - performs these tasks:
· prepare the documents to be submitted to the Assembly;
· signing all documents and contracts related to social activities;
their authorized reports on new projects and initiatives underway or completed;
· formalizes the proposals for the management of the Association;
shall formulate the economic and financial statement must contain the key items of expenditure and revenue for the period of one year;
shall formulate the economic-financial it should contain, including single-essential items, the estimates of expenditure and revenue relating to the exercise next year;
· establish the amounts of annual fees for different categories of members
Assembly shall propose the entry of new members, its rejection and expulsion.
shall decide the arrangements of the Association to participate in activities organized by other associations and institutions, and vice versa, if they are compatible with the principles of the present Charter;
is present to the Assembly at the expiry of its mandate, a comprehensive report activity concerning the same.
of each meeting must be written summary report, to be made available to members, thanks to the latest communication technologies
Article 20. - The Executive Council normally meets once a month, on a specific date without further notice, and extraordinarily when requested by at least three Directors, or at the invitation of the President.
The sessions are valid when attended by a majority of directors and the resolutions approved by a majority vote of those present.
Voting normally are obvious, may be by secret ballot when requested by a single Director. Equal rating implies the rejection of the proposal.
Minutes of the proceedings shall be taken by the Secretary, who signed with the President. This record shall be kept in the file and is available to members who request to see.
Article 21. - The directors are required to actively participate in all meetings, both ordinary and extraordinary. Councillor, who unjustifiably fails to appear in three consecutive meetings fell. The Director shall in any case after six months of absence from the Council.
Councillor resigning is revoked or replaced, if any, result from the first member of the Council except the election, otherwise at the discretion of Council.
The maximum amount of substitution is set at one third of the original members, after this threshold, the Board decade.
The Board of Directors may resign when it is approved by 2 / 3 of the directors.
The Council revoked or resigned is obliged to convene the meeting within fifteen days of new elections.
Article 22. - The President is appointed for three years and is the legal representative of the Association in all respects.
He convenes and presides over the Executive Council, signs all official acts performed by the Association can open and Close bank accounts and post office and proceed to the collections.
gives members special power of attorney to manage various activities, with the approval of the Board.
Article 23. - The dissolution or transformation of the Association is approved by the Extraordinary. In case of dissolution, the remaining assets of the institution is to be allocated to associations with similar purposes or for public purposes, after the monitoring authority of Article. 3, paragraph 190 of the law 23/12/1996, n. 662.
Article 24. - Unless otherwise regulated, all elected offices are free. However, to members who work for the Association shall be established a remuneration or reimbursement of expenses documented and approved by the President.
Article 25. - For matters not covered by this statute, the rules applicable legal manner.
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