you iniziano Oggi Olympics in China with the usual opening ceremony that will be all pomp and eloquence, in celebration of a nation where human rights are systematically ignored. Not to mention the repression in Tibet. I sincerely piacerebb
and that the Olympics are not just about sport and excitement of a State would find it fair that the athletes are confronted with no flags and no behind nations, ready to climb on the bandwagon to enhance a sense of racial anachronistic. However, this blog will refrain from commenting on the Olympics, a kind of grace, making his line Amnesty International: " the Olympics, we present the Chinese government to four basic demands: to take measures to reduce significantly the application of the death penalty as a first step towards its complete abolition, apply all forms of detention in accordance with standards and international human rights standards human and introduce measures to protect the right to a fair trial and prevent torture and ensure full freedom of action to human rights defenders, putting an end to threats, intimidation, arrests and convictions against them; to end the censorship , especially with regard to Internet users. "

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