When I spoke of 'Roman Empire, there had also said that when the last emperor of the West (Romulus) was placed in the fifth century, in fact, the "tradition" of Rome was not finished. In fact, in the east was still standing, albeit a bit 'wobbly, the Roman Empire of the East (with its capital Constantinople) and at least until the seventh century uffuciale his language was Latin. In addition, what we call the Byzantines never called by that name but Romo, even when used as the Greek language. So it would be fair to say that the Roman Empire lasted until 1453, when Constantinople fell to the Turks. The imperial legions followed this change of course over the centuries. In fact what we call today Byzantine Army can be considered as genuine continuation of the late Roman army (see related post) at least until the seventh century. Then we may consider the age of Themata (from the greek = θέματα what is set, then translated into "regiment" and then in the territorial army). In this age soldiers, Stratioti (in greek soldiers στρατιώτες =)), became farmers in times of peace, then return to arms in case of invasion. At the end of the Empire (from around 1200) the army was composed only of mercenaries. The skipper of the "thema" (or regiment) was the Strategos , sometimes supported by a second in command, the ' hypostrategos . The army was divided into divisions, headed by merarches , the current general. A division was further divided into three regiments, which were each controlled by a moirarches , the current Colonel. Other officers were the Komes (captains) and ilarches (lieutenants), Member hekatontarches (platoon commanders, that until the mid-seventh century was called centurion). Last among the officers who had commanded a dozen men. The lowest level of the Byzantine army was phylax .

More and more importance was the cavalry Byzantine Army, especially the heavy that Catafratta (above knight's helmet and playing soldier and horse catafratto) with important news than the ancient Roman, a much stronger armor,
a medieval helmet with feathers to enhance it and bring more fear to the enemy and horse armor, making it difficult for the enemy's arrows could hurt him and then leave in the hands of the master himself. The maid however, was defended by a support mesh (heavier and less protective than those in segments in vogue until the second / third century in the Roman legions), an oval or oblong wooden shield, a helmet-like metal one used by many soldiers in the Middle Ages (the senior officers had one other similar to the ancient Roman parade, sometimes with precious gems included, photos below), a long sword, spears and lances. There were also the archer on foot or on horseback. The army also had a uniform elliptical parade (pictured above). In the last period armor and equipment was similar to that of other European or Asian soldiers. (Pictured below)

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